Pay and Allowance (salary) Appointed employees 2026-2024 BPS 1 to BPS 18

Pay and Allowance (salary) Appointed employees 2026-2024 BPS 1 to BPS 18:-

I created a salary chart for newly hired employees in Pakistan for the pay scales 2023–24. For BPS-01 to BPS-18 personnel who received new appointments in the provinces of Punjab, Sindh, Balochistan, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Gilgit Baltistan (GB), and Azad Jammu & Kashmir (AJ&K), please refer to the pay and allowances list below. This new chart for 2023–2024 differs from the Pakistani Salary Chart for Newly Appointed Employees for 2022–2023 in terms of BPS. Additionally, I have modified the new wage table for 2023–2024. The key change is that I included amounts for Group Insurance, the Benevolent Fund, and GP Fund Subscription to the new wage chart. The addition of Adhoc Relief Allowance 2023 @ 35% is the second justification for the difference in pay.


You may find the net compensation of every employee who received a new appointment in the fiscal years 2023–2024 in this updated salary chart for personnel in BPS-01 to BPS-18. This new pay and allowances chart’s primary component is the net salary. Benevolent Fund, Group Insurance, and GP Fund Subscription Rates 2022 for BPS-01 to BPS-18 have been subtracted from the gross compensation to arrive at the net salary. The following is the table for a federal government employee who was hired in 2023–2024 and whose place of assignment is Lahore:

BPS Total Pay & Allowances Total Ded GP Fund, GI, and BF Net Pay
BPS-01 28607 936 27671
BPS-02 29113 1396 27717
BPS-03 29943 1486 28457
BPS-04 30749 1566 29183
BPS-05 31891 1714 30177
BPS-06 32865 1804 31061
BPS-07 33881 1884 31997
BPS-08 34967 1984 32983
BPS-09 36071 2132 33939
BPS-10 37158 2232 34926
BPS-11 39227 2352 36875
BPS-12 41312 3780 37532
BPS-13 43900 4098 39802
BPS-14 46442 4428 42014
BPS-15 49038 4866 44172
BPS-16 58888 6286 52602
BPS-17 88794 8182 80612
BPS-18 111174 9901 101273

the base salary and benefits for all government employees:-

The following salaries and benefits are typically provided to employees across all departments and locations in Pakistan:


Base Salary
House Rent Allowance (45% of the 2008 Basic Pay Scales’ Initial Basic Salary / 30% of It Plus a 50% Increase)
(MA) Medical Allowance
Allowance for Conveyance (CA)
ARA-2022: Adhoc Relief Allowance at 15% of 2017 Pay Ranges
The disparity reduction allowance and special allowance will be 25% of basic pay in 2021 and 15% of basic pay in 2022, respectively.
For BPS-01 to BPS-16 and for BPS-17 and higher, the Adhoc Relief Allowance in 2023 will be at a rate of 35%.

Other Particular Allowances

Depending on the type of duty/job and department/office, the employees hired in 2023–2024 may receive additional allowances. Some of these concessions include the following:


(Only available to instructors) Teaching Allowance
Allowance for Special Conveyance
Orderly Allowance (only for BPS-20 and higher)
Allowance for Special Compensation
Allowance for or qualification for a Ph.D. Allowance
Allowance for audits and accounts Comprehensive Allowance
Allowance for washing/dusting, etc.
Hard Area Permit
Equal Allowance
Health Risk Allowance (For Specific Departments), particularly for personnel of the Health Department
Judiciary Compensation
Governor House Allowance, CM House Allowance, and PM dwelling allowance
Allowance for Computer Personnel to Use Computers
Depending on the job’s requirements and the departing party, the employee may receive additional benefits.

Big Cities HRA @ 45% of Initial of 2008 BPS + 50% Increase
BPS Basic Pay HRA CA MA Special Allowance/DRA 2021  25% Special Allowance/DRA 2022  15% ARA-2022  15% ARA-2023  35% and 30% Total GPF BF GI Total Ded Net Pay
BPS-01 13550 2006 1785 1500 2283 1370 1370 4743 28607 600 336 0 936 27671
BPS-02 13820 2049 1785 1500 2328 1397 1397 4837 29113 1060 336 0 1396 27717
BPS-03 14260 2120 1785 1500 2403 1442 1442 4991 29943 1150 336 0 1486 28457
BPS-04 14690 2187 1785 1500 2475 1485 1485 5142 30749 1230 336 0 1566 29183
BPS-05 15230 2255 1932 1500 2565 1539 1539 5331 31891 1330 384 0 1714 30177
BPS-06 15760 2316 1932 1500 2655 1593 1593 5516 32865 1420 384 0 1804 31061
BPS-07 16310 2384 1932 1500 2748 1649 1649 5709 33881 1500 384 0 1884 31997
BPS-08 16890 2474 1932 1500 2845 1707 1707 5912 34967 1600 384 0 1984 32983
BPS-09 17470 2579 1932 1500 2943 1766 1766 6115 36071 1700 432 0 2132 33939
BPS-10 18050 2670 1932 1500 3040 1824 1824 6318 37158 1800 432 0 2232 34926
BPS-11 18650 2778 2856 1500 3143 1886 1886 6528 39227 1920 432 0 2352 36875
BPS-12 19770 2940 2856 1500 3330 1998 1998 6920 41312 3300 480 0 3780 37532
BPS-13 21160 3135 2856 1500 3565 2139 2139 7406 43900 3570 528 0 4098 39802
BPS-14 22530 3321 2856 1500 3795 2277 2277 7886 46442 3900 528 0 4428 42014
BPS-15 23920 3524 2856 1500 4030 2418 2418 8372 49038 4290 576 0 4866 44172
BPS-16 28070 4091 5000 1500 4728 2837 2837 9825 58888 4960 672 654 6286 52602
BPS-17 45070 6650 5000 1848 7593 4556 4556 13521 88794 6350 960 872 8182 80612
BPS-18 56880 8715 5000 2421 9588 5753 5753 17064 111174 7960 960 981 9901 101273



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